关于呼吁北京警方切勿小题大作并立即释放网友“星河舰队”的联署/Petition the Public Security Bureau of Beijing to Free Zhai Xiaobin

关于呼吁北京警方切勿小题大作并立即释放网友“星河舰队”的联署/Petition the Public Security Bureau of Beijing to Free Zhai Xiaobin

北京市公安局: 推特网友刘艳萍( ‏@duyanpili ) 2012年11月17日晚10时发布推特信息称:“网友 @stariver “星河舰队”失踪多日,昨天我和 @dishikun 去密云他家里了解情况这样:星河在11月7日上午(应为中午)被公安局从家里带走并刑事拘留,据说理由是星河发的一条推文‘涉嫌散布虚假恐怖信息’,目前人在密云县拘留所(应为看守所)。家人自11月7日后未能见到他。” 此前,“星河靓队”(真名 翟小兵 )因失去联系多日,引起不少网友的担忧与关注。 一般估计,疑与“星河靓队”在2012年11月5日下午2时10分发布的一条推特信息有关:“#剧透推 #慎入 死神来了6即将上映。大会堂突然倒塌,正在开会的2000多人只有7人幸免,事后却又一一离奇死亡。是上帝的游戏,还是死神的怒火,神秘数字18怎样开启地狱之门?11月8日全球院线震撼登场!” 一般人都能看出,这只是一条恶搞式的,开玩笑的信息,看到的人不会引以为真,也不会有人会因此而恐慌,“涉嫌散布虚假恐怖信息”完全是无从说起。 据刘艳萍咨询律师的意见,律师认为“‘散布虚假恐怖信息’是指刑法第二百九十一所指的“编造爆炸威胁、生化威胁、放射威胁等恐怖信息,并严重扰乱社会秩序”。从该条推文内容来看,明确指出为虚构,不会引起惶恐。从结果来看,没有构成扰乱社会秩序。这样的指控是荒谬的。” 在此,郑重要求北京警方拿出点幽默感,切勿小题大作,特别是不要在“十八大”刚开完的时候毁灭公众对新执政层的善意期待,以这种莫须有的方式对普通公民的正当言论自由加以限制和迫害。呼吁北京警方立即无条件释放推特网友“星河舰队”。 执笔人:北风(温云超),香港,媒体人 2012年11月17日 联署结果: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AsKDF8_HXe4IdGxoSkh4V3JKRERHZzl5VldKSUcxVUE&output=html 。 Petition the Public Security Bureau of Beijing to Free Zhai Xiaobin On November 7th, 2012, the day before China’s new leadership transition began, Chinese Twitter user @Stariver was taken away from his home in Miyun, a northern suburban county of Beijing, by state security police for a tweet he had sent on November 5th. @Stariver ‘s family has since received notification of him being “criminally detained” for “spreading false and terrible information.” He is currently held in the detention center of Miyun County. His family has not been able to see him since the 7th, nor has his lawyer. The tweet in question reads: #SpoilerTweet #Enter-at-your-own-peril “Final Destination 6” has arrived. In which the Great Hall of the People collapses all of a sudden. All 2,000+ people meeting there died except for 7 of them. But afterwards, the seven die one after another in bizarre ways. Is it a game of God, or the wrath of Death? How will 18, the mysterious number, unlock the gate of Hell? Premieres globally on November the 8th to bring you an earthshaking experience! Since his detention, friends of @Stariver in Twitter’s Chinese community has identified him as Zhai Xiaobin (翟小兵) . Zhai Xiaobin was born in 1976 and studied ancient Chinese literature in the Chinese Department of Peking University. He was once a journalist but now works in financial sector. He is also an amateur martial art coach. Legal professionals point out that “spreading false and terrible information,” of which Zhai Xiaobin was accused, refers to “making up terrible information about bombing, biochemical, or radioactive threat that causes serious disruption of social order” (Article 291, Criminal Law of PRC), but Zhai Xiaobin’s tweet makes it clear that it’s fictional and would in no way cause public panic and disruption of social order, and accusation against Zhai Xiaobin based on this tweet is absurd. We hereby petition the Public Security Bureau in Beijing to respect China’s own law, refrain from persecuting citizens for exercising their lawful right of free expression. There has been tremendous good will towards the new leadership in China, and it is not wise to destroy it in front of the world. We ask for immediate, unconditional release of Zhai Xiaobin. Drafted by: Bei Feng (Wen Yunchao), Hong Kong, media professional November 17, 2012 Petition list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AsKDF8_HXe4IdGxoSkh4V3JKRERHZzl5VldKSUcxVUE&output=html
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李沉简:挺直脊梁 拒做犬儒(北大一二〇纪念)